Have been working on setting up a Gitlab so I can maintain some projects online and privately. I wanted to use the same Nginx server to host not only Gitlab but several other websites The Gitlab CE omnibus setup includes everything you need: Nginx, Postgresql, Redis, Ruby, Unicorn, etc… I just want to integrate it with my own web server and disable the bunbled one. The instructions are pretty good but here is a quick summary of what I had to do to make it work.
Golang+Firebase: Parsing JSON Responses
There are some opensource SDKs for Firebase written in Golang but I haven’t used them. I had a small issue with parsing JSON response from Firebase where I had multiple objects stores in a path. Each object thas an ID and as such the JSON returned from Firebase uses fields with the IDs as the fieldname. When you want to parse this JSON and iterate over I found this method worked.
Firehack 2015
Fun times at the #firehack hackathon, sponsered by several Google Developer Groups, Google NYC and WeWork. My first event like this and had so much fun. There were presentations on Google’s Cloud platform and Firebase - a very cool database! It was nice checking out Google Cloud. I’ve been using AWS to host all of the projects I work on. It’s competitive to AWS and I like their console a lot.
Hello World
Moving my previous (and neglected) website from Wordpress to Hugo. Why Hugo? Because it’s written with Golang! Apart from my obsession with this language it should be an easier system to customize should I want to go that route. I hope to use this site to write about things I find interesting and wordpress was a bit too heavy. Let’s hope I actually share something on the site :)